Using Your Life Resources

2 10 2008

I have been listening to a series of studies that a friend forwarded to me. While I was listening yesterday the speaker mentioned something that caused my ears to perk up a little more. I skipped back a little ways on the audio player to listen again. The speaker was talking about a subject that has really been the focus of my life for the last several months. I just had not put a title on it. Now I have a title for what I have been feeling.

Several years ago I was helping out during a natural disaster. One important thing that I learned during that time was that all your resources have to be managed well. It is such an important issue during natural disasters that responders setup an elaborate system just to manage all the resources needed during a natural disaster. If these precious resources are not managed well people could starve, get sick, or even die.

Emergency responders have to manage food supplies, water supplies, equipment, personnel, and so much more. The whole process is like a large wharehousing operation and every resource is accounted for.

You may not realize it right now in your life but you have many resources that have been given to you by your creator. Each day I am given 24 hours with which I am allowed to spend freely, on anything I wish. In my life I have been given a wife and three children. I have been given friendships, jobs, talents, duties, responsibilities, families, and much more. Your list is probably much like mine. Every day these resources either get used or they lie dormant in my life.

Just in the last few days I have been cleaning out some room in our storage building. I am finding all sorts of things. I have had things packed away for years that I have not used. These are all resources that I layed down because I felt like they were not important anymore or I didn’t need them. Yes, these things are mostly junk, but the principle behind all of this speaks loudly to me and I hope to you as well.

Where are you spending your life’s resources? God has given you 24 hours in a day, family, friends, and more. What are you going to do with all these things? If you are like most of us you just exist and never consider all this. At least that is the way I have been. Now God has really been speaking to my heart about my Life Resources. In a way I have been creating a budget and schedule to spend or “use” my resources.

God is asking me:

Today I gave you 24 hours of time, what did you do with it?
I have given you family, have you taken time to love them today?
I have given you a testimony, have you used it today to lead another to me?
You have seen hurting people today, have you used your Life Resources to help them?

What are your Life Resources? Have you taken an inventory today? Use them wisely because one day they will all be gone.